
The Day in the Life of a Full Circle same-day Clerk

The day starts by picking up the keys, declarations, instructions and schedule from our Watford office. Each day is planned in advance and you will have received some idea of what your day will be like the night before but you are always prepared for changes when needed. Today you have 4 inventories to complete starting off in NW6 for 9.30.


The first appointment of the day is an inventory for a property where you are going to meet the new ingoing tenants at the premises to hand them over the keys after you have completed the inventory. You pop into the estate agents first who hand you over the keys and you drop off inventories that have been printed off by the admin dept last night. You get to the property in good time and start using your Full Circle same-day ipad app noting all items, condition and fixtures and fittings, making sure to note all keys and meter readings and taking details photos. The tenants come to the property and you hand them over the keys and ask them to sign the declaration and welcome them to their new property. Then you upload your report to the office so they can send the report to the client the same day!


Off to your next appointment which is a check out inventory in NW8 you are meeting the tenants there at 11.00 and you have the original check in inventory on your ipad.  You meet the tenants and run through the check in inventory making sure that the property and the contents match the original description and are just as rigorous as you were earlier – as the estate agent/landlord needs to know that the deposit can be released and that no repairs or replacement need to be done before the next tenant moves in. Again you note meter readings, collect keys from the tenants and ensure that they match the original inventory. You pop back to the estate agent and drop off they keys and let the property manager know that the property would benefit from the oven being cleaned and one of the chairs is loose in the kitchen. Again you upload the report which takes  mins.